Our Mission:
It is the mission of the Caremark Healthcare specialists to work as one formidable team enabling palliation of symptoms thereby allowing patients to achieve comfort where pain is intractable, nausea and vomiting unrelieved, and unmanageable respiratory distress causing behavioral issues that requires possible constant adjustments of medication intervention.
Caremark Healthcare is committed to the patients, their family and caretakers by providing the highest quality of patient care in hopes of achieving complete palliation of symptoms thus, providing a quality of life with dignity and respect.
It has revolutionized care of the whole person through the integration of Signature Services in addition to standard hospice care. This holistic hospice-care approach helps to create an atmosphere of warmth and calmness around those who have the terminal illnesses. These alternative therapies support the patient’s mind, body and spirit.
Understanding Hospice
Hospice is a specialized form of medical care that seeks to provide comfort and maintain a patient's quality of life (to the greatest extent possible) for those facing a life-limiting illness, disease or terminal condition. Hospice care generally focuses on the overall or holistic well being of a patient by addressing not only his or her physical condition but also any emotional, social and even spiritual/religious needs as death approaches.
In addition, hospice care can provide support, resources, and information to a patient's family and loved ones during this difficult time—particularly to a family member providing caregiving to the patient—as well as assistance after a hospice patient's death occurs.
Caremark Healthcare can be contacted when patient and family make a choice for palliative (comfort) care rather than curative treatment. Hospice offers patients the choice to complete their lives with dignity, purpose and peace. Below is a list of services provided.
Nursing Services
Home Health Aides
Spiritual Counseling
Social Services
Dietary Counseling
Physical therapy, as needed
Speech therapy, as needed
Pain Control and Symptom Management
All medications relating to hospice diagnosis
Medical Supplies
Home Medical Equipment (hospital bed, oxygen etc.)
Inpatient Care
Respite Care for caregivers
Bereavement Support
Volunteer Assistance
Our signature services may help relieve common discomforts that our hospice patient experiences, improve her/his quality of life, and lessen the sufferings s/he goes through as the disease progresses. For further information or details on our signature services, feel free to contact us at your convenience.
Mobile Mani-Pedi Salon
Light House Cleaning
Music Therapy
Massage Therapy
Placement Assistance
Medications related to the hospice diagnosis
Assistance with personal care and activities
Emotional and spiritual support for the patient
and family
Coordination of community resources
Patient-Family-Caregiver teaching
Special therapies for diet, speech, and PT/OT
Spoken languages from different Caremark staff:
English, Spanish, Armenian, Farsi, Russian.
Multi-lingual translation services